Friday, 29 December 2006 - Interesting Social Experiment or Just Plain Silly?

I've gotta hand it to the folks over at They sure know how to get attention. In their own words:

We will be one of the first people to get our hands on the Nintendo Wii. After we do, we will destroy it in front of all the Nintendo fanboys waiting in line to get theirs, on the launch day. This is only a social experiment, for the entertainment of the donors, and visitors of this sit.

Hmmmm. Well, their video is certainly amusing but it does leave you with a slightly sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. These guys decided to dress up as Mario and Luigi and smash the Wii with a large mallet. I must say I choked up with laughter when some dude they interview on the video suggests these guys are seriously in need of getting laid!

Watch it below in all its glory (the guy smashing the Wii, not getting laid):

Mission Accomplished: Got my Wii on 23rd December

I thought it was time to start a Wii blog about anything Wii related that's out of the ordinary. I got my Wii quite easily in the end at Gamestop on Henry St. in Dublin on the 23rd of December - quite nice timing if I may say so myself . No preorder, just plain luck! And this was during a week when Wii's were averaging €500 on eBay (I paid €180 or round $225).

Yes, I was briefly tempted to resort to blatant profiteering by peddling my newly purchased console on eBay, but I resisted and ended up developing an addiction to playing Wii Sports golf with my Michael Jackson Mii and moon-walking/saying Cha'mone whenever I got a hole-in-one. (Which wasn't often enough!) Check out how to make the MJ Wii here!

And here's a video of a few other famous Miis including Ghandi, Hitler, Jesus, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Il. Quite amusing!

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