Cheapest Wii Games Online?
Here's a challenge for anyone who's interested in finding a Wii bargain online. What are the cheapest online sources for Wii stuff - games, wiimotes, nunchucks etc.? In Europe, I've found some quite nice locations which may be of interest:
Amazon UK
First off, Amazon UK will only deliver games and hardware to you if your address is in the UK or Northern Ireland. That said, at £34.99 for the majority their games, they are some of the cheapest online. If you like this blog, get your Wii stuff through my Amazon Store. You won't get it any cheaper, but I have everything Wii nicely arranged for easy browsing!
And as an exclusive bonus, the first 10 people to buy through my Amazon store and sent me a copy of their email invoice get a link to their site in the Our Friends section over to the right (your site cannot have racist, pornographic, abusive, or illegal content. Thanks!). Remember, you can buy any product you like from Amazon using the search feature, it doesn't have to be Wii related. Your link will stay up for 30 days after you submit it. Anyone who doesn't make the first 10 will be added when the links expire. So get buying!
Blah DVD
The folks over at have the cheapest Wii games in Europe as far as I'm concerned. €50.99 with free shipping to any EU country. /
It's something of a crapshoot. but if you look hard enough you may find a bargain.
I'll be adding all released Wii games to my eBay tracker soon so that finding a bargain is a little easier!
If you find a cheaper store, leave a comment and I'll add them to this post.
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