Tuesday, 9 January 2007

WiiSearch.TV - Search Wii from your TV

Have a look at my latest project, WiiSearch.TV .

The general idea is a search engine specially created for browsing the net with your Wii from your living room. I built it using Google Co-Op. Although it works perfectly, it's a little Beta at the moment since its essentially a glorified version of Google Search. A nice feature is the 15 or so "Refinements" I've made available so you can narrow a search of (say) "Red Steel" by reviews or cheats or to just articles on Slashdot or IGN.

It looks pretty nice from the Wii itself and in my opinion it has more Sexy Wii Goodness ™ than Google's own homepage/search results. You have the big advantage of avoiding Google's side column ads as well, so browsing in column mode is a doddle(press 2 on your Wiimote). The photo shows it in action on my TV at home.

So go on make WiiSearch.TV your homepage on your Wii and impress your mates!!

(Note: I hope to dedicate quite some time to improving this and making searches easier with the Wiimote. Any would-be collaborators, please let me know!)

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